Sunday, March 29, 2009

Continue to Pray

We're still praying and waiting on the results of the current treatments for Julie. The last we heard was that she was not doing really well this go round. She's feeling extremely down physically and emotionally. I am assuming she probably is having her good and bad days. Please continue to pray for her as it's looking like she's going to end up having some mild chemo treatments following this round of the arsenic.
As for Katie (Julie's 13 year old daughter), please continue to pray for her as well. We have not really received any updates on her, but we're afraid with everything going on that she's neglecting herself in worrying about her mom.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Latest...not much to say...

Okay, so I didn't want anyone following to keep seeing nothing new...there's not much, but I do know that apparently one test shows no more signs of the Leukemia; however, another tests still shows traces of it?? These tests were done prior to the start of her last 10 weeks of treatment, so hopefully this will knock out any of the cancer cells that may be left.
As for everything else...I think everyone is doing okay for now. I haven't heard anything recently about Katie, so I guess no news is good news. Sorry to be so vague, but I just don't have much information.
Julie looks great though! She recently got her hair cut and styled and looks about 10 years younger! She looks absolutely amazing to have gone through and be going through all that she is!!!
Continue to pray though as we are uncertain about the test that is still showing some of the cancer cells.
Take care and God bless!